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Wellness & Self-Care Resource Guide for Students: Breathe

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Meditation Resources Online

These resources will connect you with free and widely available meditation programs.

Meditation is a great way to relax and help your brain manage stress better. 

Slow, deep breathing is a powerful tool for relaxation and stress management. By practicing belly breathing, or diaphragmatic breathing, you can elicit a relaxation response that calms the mind and grounds the body. 

Below, you will find some recommended meditation apps, accompanied by a sample meditation or breathing exercise. All of these apps are available for free at some level, with a premium subscription option. 

Source: Headspace on iOS and Android. 

Active Meditation

"There are different schools and techniques for meditation. One of them is the Osho active meditation, which is a form of meditation that does not require sitting still, as each session is carried out in stages that integrate physical movements while seeking relaxation and calmness.

This type of meditation, designed by Osho (an Indian guru), lasts an average of one hour and is an alternative to traditional passive techniques since it focuses on the search for a state of well-being through constant movement. Its main purpose is to 'calm the mind.'" From Effects of active meditation on physical and psycho-emotional stress indicators in Chilean health sciences students. A pilot study by Rodolfo Morrison, Carmen Paz-Díaz, Pamela Gutiérrez, Carla Frías, Alejandra Espinosa, Paula Soto, Alejandra González, Sandra Mella, & Ignacio López.

While activities like Tai Chi are a great way to tap into active meditation, other activities like gardening, yoga, painting, and coloring can also be a great way to participate.


These applications, available on both iPhone and Android, are mindfulness and meditation applications to help restore mental balance when stressed or when you just need a break!