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Borrowing Policy

  • Books: All circulating books are available to be checked out for the period detailed in the chart below, based on borrower type. Non-circulating titles must be used in the library.
  • Media: All circulating media (DVDs, VHS, CDs, audiobooks, etc.) are available to be checked out for a period of seven days with a single renewal of an additional seven days.
  • Late fees for reserve materials: Any overnight, two-day, or three-day reserve materials that are checked out will be subject to a $25/day fee for each day it is overdue.
  • VALE Reciprocal Borrowing: This program allows FDU faculty and staff to check out books from other participating NJ academic institutions. VALE Borrowing Policies



Borrower Type Loan Period Book Limit Fines Renewals Lost
Academy 28 days 5 $.20/day No $100
Adjunct Faculty 28 days n/a n/a Yes $100
Administration 28 days n/a n/a Yes $100
Alumni 28 days 4 $.20/day Yes $100
Audit/Continuing ED 28 days 10 $.20/day Yes $100
Dissertation 1 Semester n/a $.20/day Yes $100
Emeritus 28 days n/a n/a Yes $100
Faculty 120 days n/a n/a Yes $100
Friend of the Library 28 days 4 $.20/day Yes $100
Graduate Student 1 Semester n/a $.20/day Yes $100
Honor Student 1 Semester n/a $.20/day Yes $100
L.I.F.E 14 days 5 $.20/day Yes $100
Middle College Faculty 28 days 10 n/a Yes $100
Middle College Student 28 days 5 $.20/day No $100
Paralegal 28 days 10 $.20/day Yes $100
Staff 62 days n/a n/a Yes $100
Undergraduate Student 28 days n/a $.20/day Yes $100
VALE 28 days 5 $.20/day No $100

Collection Development Policy


The purpose of a collection development policy is to promote the development of the library's collection based on the university's and library's Mission and goals. The policy should explain who is responsible for selecting, ordering, and what different formats and kinds of materials are purchased and included in the collection.

The Collection Development Policy will be reviewed and updated periodically to incorporate changes in the University's curriculum and to reflect how the collection evolves. The Policy will be used as a tool to help build a  collection that meets the educational and research needs of our community.


Fairleigh Dickinson University is a center of academic excellence dedicated to the preparation of world citizens through global education. The University strives to provide students with the multi-disciplinary, intercultural, and ethical understandings necessary to participate, lead, and prosper in the global marketplace of ideas, commerce, and culture.


The mission of the FDU Libraries is to support the goals and academic programs of the University.

In order to provide support to students and faculty in their endeavors to achieve and maintain academic excellence, the Libraries will develop and maintain appropriate collections and services.

Collections will include print, media and digital resources, and will be available on campus and to distance learners through remote access. Collection development will provide service through resources and foster knowledge through information.

Services will encompass both physical and intellectual access to materials, and will include interactive online bibliographic instruction and e- reference, as well as traditional on site Library classes and visits and individualized instruction. The special needs of library users with disabilities, students with learning disabilities, the educationally disadvantaged and multicultural / global students will be addressed.

Library instruction, whether it be online or in person, will be available to all members of the University community, its goal being to empower students to access and communicate information and ideas and to become independent lifelong learners in the electronic age, as well as to achieve specific present curricular objectives.



The basic objective of the Fairleigh Dickinson University Library system is to play its full part in supporting the instructional and research program of the university:

  1. To secure, organize and service books, periodicals, documents, audio and video recordings and other library material used in the instructional and research program.
  2. To provide the physical facilities and equipment that will make possible the most effective use of library resources.
  3. To increase knowledge of basic library resources, print and electronic, by providing guidance in the use of library facilities.
  4. To encourage students to develop the habit of self-education in order that books, other media and libraries may contribute to their intellectual development in future years.
  5. To assist and cooperate with libraries in the community, region, and elsewhere in building total library resources and in making them available to users.

The library is primarily a teaching and research instrument. The professional library staff, administrative organization and building are so planned as to implement teaching, learning and research by the use of all library materials.

Collection Responsibility
The responsibility for collection development rests with the librarians, and some purchases (especially periodical and standing order renewal) should be vetted by the Collection Development Committee. The committee recommendations, as well as faculty input, will be given high consideration in collection decisions; however, the ultimate responsibility still lies with the University Librarian.

The collection development process is a democratic sharing of requests among the professional librarians, with final approval from the University Librarian. The Associate University Librarian for Technical Services vets all purchase requests, including print, serial, and electronic materials. Regular monthly purchases will only be questioned if they do not appear to fit in with this policy. Both print and electronic subscriptions will be renewed after review by the Collection Development Committee.  For more information on specifics of the purchasing process see the library’s document entitled Acquisitions Policies and Procedures.

Cataloging and Metadata Statement
The library recognizes that harmful or outdated language or terminology potentially exists within its descriptive metadata. The library uses Library of Congress subject headings, which may not reflect current acceptable language.  We are dedicated to examining our descriptive practices to ensure we are using more acceptable terminology where possible. Outdated language or terminology may still appear if it is an integral part of the resource, such as its title or other fields transcribed directly from the resource itself.

Intellectual Freedom Statement and Material Retention Policy
Following the principles of intellectual freedom and in accordance with the American Library Association Library Bill of Rights (Appendix A), the Fairleigh Dickinson Library collection will attempt to provide for the free exchange of all ideas. The collection will be available to all authorized users of the library and should offer the widest possible range of viewpoints, regardless of their popularity. 

FDU Library strives to develop a balanced collection reflective of our diverse library users and that encourages an historical perspective as well as global awareness through access to a multitude of ideas. 
No censorship will be exercised on the basis of frankness of language, or the controversial manner an author may use in dealing with religious, political, sexual, social, economic, scientific or moral issues, as long as the material is appropriate to the Library Mission and supports the University’s curriculum. The library does not endorse the principles, ideas, opinions, or views of the materials it provides. 
FDU Library collections are reviewed regularly to help ensure that individual items still meet selection criteria. Items that do not meet this criteria will be withdrawn from the collection.

Selection Criteria for the Circulating Collection
The quality of content and fulfillment of academic curricular needs are the first criteria against which any potential item for purchase will be evaluated. Specific criteria used in selecting items for the library's collection includes:

  • relationship of the material to the curriculum
  • anticipated use
  • appropriateness of level of treatment
  • strength of present holdings in same or similar subject areas
  • critical reviews
  • cost
  • suitability of format to content
  • authoritativeness of the author
  • reputation of the publisher

Specific Guidelines

  1. GIFTS: The library accepts gifts that support the teaching and research mission of the University and that meet the criteria of the library's Collection Development Policy. Materials which fall outside the library's Collection Development Policy, such as textbooks, popular magazines, mass market paperbacks, unnecessary duplicates, books in poor condition, and self-published items will not be accepted. The golden rule for gifts is: Do not add a gift unless it is something the library would buy. No donated item is ever “free”. Processing costs are the same for gifts and purchased materials.

Upon receipt of gift materials, the library and Fairleigh Dickinson University become owners of the material. The library reserves the right to determine retention, location, cataloging treatment, processing priority and other considerations related to disposition.

The library will provide appropriate acknowledgment of all gifts received, unless the donor prefers otherwise. Bookplates are available for placement in books when appropriate.

  1. ALUMNI GIFTS: The library does not accept alumni publications unless they meet the library’s selection criteria. Alumni wishing to donate copies of their personal works that do not meet the library criteria may contact Alumni Relations about donating.
  2. TEXTBOOKS: Textbooks are not purchased. A “textbook” is defined as the main text assigned for a university course, and are generally works designed for classroom use. Professors are encouraged to place personal copies and/or review copies of course texts on reserve, and the library will catalog and maintain course textbooks donated by professors or students in the reserve collection for the semester that the course is being taught.
  3. PAPERBACKS: The type of binding on a book will not be a consideration in the decision to purchase, except that the Associate University Librarian for Technical Services will exercise judgments of economy when an item is available in both paper and cloth bindings. Relative price when compared to the perceived long-term value and use will be considered.
  4. FOREIGN LANGUAGE MATERIALS: The library shall purchase the foreign language materials required to attain the curricular objectives of the University, or if the item is a work relevant to one of our special collections. However, since most of our students do not read foreign languages easily, a priority will be given to material in the English language unless that material is to be used as an aid in the teaching and learning of foreign languages. In such cases, the library will rely on language faculty recommendations for purchase.
  5. DUPLICATE MATERIALS: One copy of an individual item for the reference and/or circulation collection will be sufficient per campus. Multi-campus purchases will be made on a case-by-case basis. The library will not accept duplicates as gifts, unless it is a special edition going into a special collection, and one copy already circulates. Other duplicates may be added on a case-by-case basis (e.g., if a title is heavily used for a regularly taught course).
  6. FACULTY PUBLICATIONS: If the material fits in with the existing collection development policy, the library may purchase faculty publications or accept them as gifts. Self-published or hybrid/vanity press materials (where faculty pays to publish the item) are not accepted.

Special Format and Collection Statements

The library collection will include all forms of print and non-print materials, excluding those which are fundamentally for classroom use. Materials needed by faculty in their classrooms, department or offices on a permanent basis are not purchased with library funds. Requests for materials that are too expensive for the library budget will be declined and forwarded to the department where the request originated so that alternate funding solutions may be found.

  1. PRINT NEWSPAPERS: Newspapers are not generally added to the collection, as all local papers are currently received, and most others are available electronically. However, this may be reconsidered if a new and important local publication begins circulation.
  2. PRINT SERIALS: In general, the same criteria will apply to the selection of serial titles for the book collection. However, since even a relatively inexpensive journal title represents a continuing expense, titles will be added very selectively. Back runs will be kept for varying lengths of time depending on the title involved. Because of current and possible future budgetary constraints and escalating costs, some titles may have to be discontinued. Every effort will be made to preserve serial titles used for class assignments.
  3. AUDIOVISUAL MATERIALS: The library will purchase audiovisual materials needed to support the curriculum or to supplement special programs. Examples of materials purchased include foreign language materials, Freshman reading selections, and the works of artists and contributors presenting at major FDU events. Otherwise selected materials are only added at the request of faculty if it fits the collection development policy.
  4. A collection of DVDs will be maintained, primarily representing films related to curriculum offerings but may also include Academy Award winning films and documentaries. Popular films that are not germane to the curriculum will not be purchased.
  5. The library will not acquire computer software packages due to licensing limitations.
  6. The library will not acquire video games, as they do not fit in with the academic or curricular goals of the university.
  7. OTHER NON-BOOK MATERIALS: The library will not acquire works of pictorial or plastic art, or non-book curriculum materials such as tests, toys, or board games.
  8. ELECTRONIC RESOURCES INCLUDING E-BOOKS: Electronic resources are purchased at the university level, and are subject to the approval of the Collection Development Committee and the University Librarian. In addition to the general selection guidelines, the following criteria will be considered:
  • the usability of the interface;
  • availability of IP-authenticated access;
  • standards-compliance, especially with OpenURL;
  • reliability and responsiveness of the vendor;
  • availability and access to back files in perpetuity;
  • availability and quality of usage statistics.
  1. MANUALS AND WORKBOOKS: The library will not acquire manuals, workbooks, or any other consumable materials.
  2. MICROFORMS: Existing microforms will be kept at the library’s discretion; newer microforms will not be purchased, as electronic copies are the preferred form of access.
  3. MANUSCRIPTS, RARE BOOKS, GENEALOGICAL MATERIALS: Items of this nature, which are already part of the library's collection, were either donated or were purchased in the past from private collections. Manuscripts, rare books, or genealogical material will be purchased as deemed necessary for the library’s special collections.
  • The criterion for placing materials in Special Collections is that the subject content must be unique and relevant to the scope of the collection. For example, the Douglas Lloyd Kahn Photography and Film Collection should only include rare or unique collections of photographs, photographic exhibition catalogs, and historical works on films.
  • The material is usually considered to be a rarity, a unique item, or has greater monetary value that designates it as non-circulating. These materials should only be used in the library with supervision from an archivist or designated librarian.
  • Most collections are historical—nothing is added to them, unless a special gift is made or if there are endowed funds for the collection. Usually an expert in the area of the collection identifies and selects materials for the open collections.
  1. CHILDREN'S COLLECTION/EDUCATION COLLECTION: The library will provide an adequate children's collection of both fiction and non-fiction materials appropriate for preschool through grade six. The collection is intended to support the needs of students studying children's literature and to assist in preparing curriculum lessons for young children. The collection will strive to collect "outstanding" examples of children's literature published each year; examples of genres in the literature; as well as preserving the classics. No attempt will be made to completely acquire series. The Education Collection consists of sample textbooks and classroom materials for use by students in the Education program. Any updates to this collection should be made in conjunction with the Education Department faculty, who provide review copies from publishers.
  2. REFERENCE COLLECTION: The reference collection is a non-circulating collection of materials designated to meet the basic research, verification, location and information needs of the library's patrons in all subject fields. With few exceptions, reference materials are not meant to be read continuously from beginning to end, but contain relatively short and discrete articles or bits of information users will consult, one or a few at a time. Reference materials include, but are not limited to, indexes (both print and electronic), encyclopedias, handbooks, directories, dictionaries and compilations of statistics.

Reference materials shall be as up-to-date as is necessary for the provision of current and reliable information. Print materials that cover the same material as equivalent electronic subscriptions will be cut from annual standing orders unless there is a compelling reason to make an exception. Older editions will not be moved to the circulating collection.

Collection Depth
The library's print and media collection may be separated into several distinct parts; the general circulating collection, the reference collection, the juvenile collection, periodicals, DVDs/audiobooks, and special collections.

The basic Library collection will be made up of the following:

  1. Those items which constitute required, non-textbook reading for courses.
  2. Supplementary and ancillary reading for courses.
  3. A very limited number of items for leisure reading, listening and viewing.
  4. A basic reference collection, with supplementary items for courses.
  5. An adequate collection of print periodicals and their back files.

Collection Depth Levels

LEVEL ONE: MINIMAL/BASIC REFERENCE LEVEL. Only fundamental reference works containing general information on a subject, e.g., dictionaries, encyclopedias, surveys and bibliographies.

LEVEL TWO: SELECTIVE LEVEL. This level includes slightly more than the basic level. In addition to reference works, it would include a small collection of monographs and journals for general coverage on the subject fields.

LEVEL THREE: REPRESENTATIVE/UNDERGRADUATE TEACHING LEVEL: A balanced collection that covers all aspects of a subject field without going into great depth. In an academic library, this would be a collection that can support an undergraduate program in the field.

LEVEL FOUR: COMPREHENSIVE/BEGINNING RESEARCH LEVEL: A large, well-developed collection that includes general and fairly specialized books and journals in the field, some of which are on advanced level. In an academic library, a Level Four collection provides adequate support for a Master's program in the subject.

LEVEL FIVE: EXHAUSTIVE/MAJOR EMPHASIS LEVEL: As comprehensive collection in the field as possible, including highly advanced and extremely specialized materials as well as more general ones, and rare and obscure publications in addition to more common ones. In an academic library, a Level Five collection (with the support of interlibrary loan) can support most doctoral work in the field.

LEVEL SIX: EXTREMELY EXHAUSTIVE/INTENSIVE LEVEL: One of the largest, most inclusive, best developed collections in the world; collections of such scope and importance that they are internationally know, e.g., the Folger Shakespeare Library, American Geographical Society Map Collection, etc.

The library will attempt to meet the guidelines set forth for levels one through four. Level five materials may be added if there is demonstrated faculty or student need. Level six will not apply to the collection at the present time.

In accordance with the above stated levels of collection depth, and due to budgetary constraints, the library will not purchase specialized materials solely for the research of individual faculty and staff members. While it is recognized that the faculty members have research needs, FDU faculty may have to rely on other types of library services to fulfill their needs, i.e., interlibrary loans. Faculty members are strongly urged to distinguish between a research collection and one which is designed to meet the needs of interdisciplinary undergraduate and graduate programs. Although attempts will be made to provide on-the-premises research materials for as many faculty as possible, it must be realized that it is impossible for all but the most inclusive and large libraries to support faculty research from their resources alone. The library will attempt to support and subsidize individual faculty and staff members in their research by obtaining materials not found in our collection from other libraries.

These policies and guidelines shall be reviewed periodically and are subject to change or amendment at recommendation of students, staff, faculty or administration, or when the library staff feels that the curriculum indicates a change or amendment is necessary. Recommendations for change will be considered by the Collection Development Committee and the University Librarian with whom the final responsibility and decision rest.

Appendix A: American Library Association Library Bill of Rights




Library Bill of Rights

The American Library Association affirms that all libraries are forums for information and ideas, and that the following basic policies should guide their services.

  1. Books and other library resources should be provided for the interest, information, and enlightenment of all people of the community the library serves. Materials should not be excluded because of the origin, background, or views of those contributing to their creation.
  2. Libraries should provide materials and information presenting all points of view on current and historical issues. Materials should not be proscribed or removed because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval.

III. Libraries should challenge censorship in the fulfillment of their responsibility to provide information and enlightenment.

  1. Libraries should cooperate with all persons and groups concerned with resisting abridgment of free expression and free access to ideas.
  2. A person’s right to use a library should not be denied or abridged because of origin, age, background, or views.
  3. Libraries which make exhibit spaces and meeting rooms available to the public they serve should make such facilities available on an equitable basis, regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of individuals or groups requesting their use.


VII. All people, regardless of origin, age, background, or views, possess a right to privacy and confidentiality in their library use. Libraries should advocate for, educate about, and protect people’s privacy, safeguarding all library use data, including personally identifiable information.


Adopted June 19, 1939, by the ALA Council; amended October 14, 1944; June 18, 1948; February 2, 1961; June 27, 1967; January 23, 1980; January 29, 2019.

Information Literacy Class Scheduling Policy

FDU Libraries - Information Literacy Class Scheduling Policy 

  • Requests for instruction must be made at least one week before the class date.   
  • The instructor must be present during IL classes.  
  • The instructor must provide a copy of their assignment or syllabus at least one week prior to the date of the class so that librarians can plan their lessons to meet students’ specific research needs.   
  • All class visits to the library or any classes which will be using library resources within the library building must have some instruction by a librarian.   
  • Please let us know beforehand if any students have special disabilities which require modification. 
  • Aside from the introduction to the Library, we recommend that classes be held after your students have research topics so that our lessons can meet them at their point of need.   

Request an Instruction Session


Laptop Loaner Program

The University Library, The Center for Teaching and Learning with Technology, and the Office of Information Resources and Technology are pleased to sponsor a “Library Laptop Loaner” program available through the University Library.  Laptop computers are available in each library for you to use on a temporary basis inside the Library at Metropolitan Campus and Monninger Center on the Florham Campus. All students, staff, alumni, and part-time faculty are eligible to participate in the laptop loaner program.

Here’s how it works:

1. You may borrow a laptop at the Circulation Desk of either the Monninger Center on the Florham Campus or the Library at Metropolitan Campus. To do so, you must provide your current valid University identification card.   

2. Borrowers must complete a loan agreement accepting responsibility for any loss or damage to device, and costs of repair or replacement attributable to a borrower will be charged to that borrower.

3. Laptop computers may NOT leave the building. On the Florham campus, laptops may be brought into the study areas of the Monninger Center.

4. Laptops circulate for 2 hours at a time. Laptops can be borrowed up until 1 hour before the library closes and will be due back at the circulation desk when your 2 hours are up or 30 minutes before closing, whichever comes first.

If you have any other questions please feel free to call Manish Wadhwa in The Center of Teaching and Learning with Technology (x7060, Metropolitan Campus), or Lisa Stadler from the Office of Information Resources and Technology (x8689, Florham Campus).

Remote Access

Remote access is limited to currently enrolled FDU students and currently employed faculty, administrators and staff. 

The FDU Libraries use an authentication server that makes access to our databases from off-campus easy. This server allows members of the FDU community who have an FDU NETID and password to login ("authenticate") and use the databases as if they were here on campus.

The authentication process is only required once per session. What this means is that once a user has logged in using his/her FDU NETID and password, he/she may use one or more databases without having to login again. However, if the user closes the browser (e.g. Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Chrome) window, he/she must re-authenticate by re-entering his/her ID and password.

If you are a member of the FDU community and want to use our available databases, simply go to the A-Z Databases page of this website, click on the database link you wish to use, and input your FDU NETID and password when prompted. 

3D Printing Policy

This policy establishes guidelines for the FDU community use of the library’s 3D printers.



The library’s 3D printers may only be used for lawful purposes. The FDU community will not be allowed to use the library’s 3D printers to create material that is:

  1. Prohibited by local, state, or federal law.
  2. Unsafe, harmful, dangerous or poses an immediate threat to the well-being of others. (Such use may violate the terms of use of the manufacturer.)
  3. Obscene or otherwise inappropriate for the library environment.
  4. In violation of another’s intellectual property rights. For example, printers will not be used to reproduce material that is subject to copyright, patent or trademark protection.

The library reserves the right to refuse any 3D print request.

Hours and Fees

  • Printing hours are Monday through Friday 9:00 am – 3:30 pm during the regular semester. Please inquire about printing hours during the Summer and Winter Breaks.
  • Printing costs $0.30 per gram of print weight as calculated by the Makerware program with an additional $5.00 setup fee.
    • Payments to be made in cash to the Circulation Department. A valid FDU library card must be presented at the circulation desk for items to be picked up.
    • Payment of the 3D print will be made after the object is printed.
    • Printing is free for class projects. The professor must email the library with a list of students in their class.

About Our 3D Printers

The FDU Metropolitan Library has two Makerbot printers. One is a MakerBot Replicator Z18 (11.8 x 12.0 x 18.0 in) and the other is a Makerbot Replicator 2 (11.2 L X 6.0 W X 6.1 H in) printer.

Both 3D printers use PLA filament with a smart extruder; the filament is a corn-based degradable plastic with a low melting point.


Design creation:

  • Students are responsible for their own design. Library staff cannot provide extended training on using the software or help you design your model.
  • Digital designs are also available from various file-sharing databases such as, YOUmagine, MyMiniFactory, and ShapeWay.
  • Any 3D drafting software such as TINKERCAD, 123DDESIGN, SKETCHUP, and BLENDER may be used to create a design as long as the file can be saved in .stl, .obj, or .thing file format.

Submitting a design for printing:

  • FDU community members who desire to have their work printed on the 3D printer must submit their file (in .stl, .obj, or .thing file format) (no larger than 20MB) through the 3D printing request form.
  • All files will be previewed before printing.  Library staff will provide an estimate of the cost, and time. Staff will then send an email to the individual. If an individual accepts the estimate, printing may proceed.
  • Once the print job has completed, the patron will be notified by a library staff member by e-mail and the items may be retrieved at the Circulation Desk.

Printing process:

  • Only library employees will have hands-on access to the 3D printer.
  • We are not responsible for design consultations.
  • The 3D printing queue is prioritized on a first come first served basis in order of approved submissions received. Objects being printed for course work may take priority over other printing projects. We reserve the right to alter queue order considering these factors.
  • All Items must be picked up by the individual who submitted them, using a valid FDU ID card. Items that are not picked up within 7 days after being printed become the property of the Library.
  • Library staff will set up your print job and remove your object from the print bed when completed.
  • We cannot ensure staff will be able to assist at all times.
  • Please allow up to 5 business days for printing services.

Please note:

  • Procedures overseeing the use of the library’s 3D printers are subject to change at any time.
  • The library reserves the right to refuse any 3D print request.
  • There is NO guarantee of anonymity. Submitted files will be seen by library staff and, quite possibly, by the FDU community utilizing the library when the file is being printed.
  • The library makes no guarantee for the timeliness of printing.
  • Sometimes, a file will not yield a successful print. The library assumes no responsibility for the outcome of a print job. 
  • Only the library's filament can be used in the 3D printer.

Copyright Notice

Notice concerning copyright and other intellectual property restrictions.

The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material.

Under certain conditions specified in the law, libraries and archives are authorized to furnish a photocopy or other reproduction. One of these specific conditions is that the photocopy or reproduction is not to be "used for any purpose other than private study, scholarship, or research." If a user makes a request for, or later uses, a photocopy or reproduction for purposes in excess of "fair use," that user may be liable for copyright infringement.

This institution reserves the right to refuse to accept a copying order if, in its judgment, fulfillment of the order would involve violation of copyright or other intellectual property laws.

Metropolitan Library Group Study Room Policy



The Group Study Rooms in the Metropolitan Library are available to small groups to use for academic purposes.  The Group Study Room Policy will provide guidelines to ensure  the study areas remain clean, comfortable and available on an equitable basis.  Study group occupants agree to comply with the Metropolitan Library Study Room Policy.  Failure to comply will result in the revocation of the privilege to use a Group Study Room. Metropolitan Library reserves the right to cancel a Group Study Room booking.

  1. Rooms must be booked using an FDU email address. All Group Study Rooms must be booked in advance by scheduling a time block on the Group Study Reservation Page. Reservations must be confirmed within 15 minutes of booking by responding to an automated email message.
  2. Room reservations are taken not more than 2 weeks in advance. Groups should cancel their reservations if they will not be able to keep the requested time.
  3. Conversation should not be heard outside of the room.
  4. No food or beverages allowed.
  5. Group Study Rooms may be booked in 2 hour blocks for no more than 4 hours per day, not necessarily consecutive.
  6. If a group is occupying a room, and wishes to continue occupying the room if it has not been reserved, they must request the block online.
  7. Users must arrive at the Group Study Room on time in order to avoid forfeiting the entire consecutive block reservation. A reserved room that is unoccupied will expire 15 minutes after the beginning of the reservation.  If the user contacts the circulation desk, 201-692-2279, prior to the start of the reservation an exception will be made.
  8. Occupants must adhere to the maximum Occupancy Guidelines.
  9. Do not move, disconnect or alter any technology in the rooms.
  10. Rooms must be visible and accessible at all times. Chairs may not be moved in or out of rooms. Do not block windows or doors.
  11. Any incidences or issues should be reported to the librarian on duty.
  12. Personal belongings are not to be left in the Group Study Rooms. Belongings left unattended are subject to removal. Metropolitan Library is not responsible for items left unattended.
  13. It is the responsibility of the individual booking the Group Study Room to leave the room in good order. All trash must be removed, chalkboards and whiteboards erased.
  14. 15 minutes prior to closing time occupants must vacate the Group Study Room
  15. Occupants must vacate the Group Study Rooms when directed to by staff.
  16. Be courteous in yielding the rooms to others when your allotted time has expired.

Visitor's Policy

Fairleigh Dickinson University Libraries Access Policy


The University Libraries are intended for the use of currently enrolled FDU students, currently employed faculty, administrators and staff.  Others, such as FDU Alumni (anyone with an earned degree from FDU), visiting scholars or others currently sponsored by an academic or administrative division may also have access to the collections under special circumstances and with advanced notice.  All students, faculty, staff and alumni must show a valid FDU ID card for entry to campus and/or the Library.

While the Libraries are unable to offer members of the public general access to the library buildings and collections, there are a number of ways visitors can access the Libraries based on affiliation and research need.

FDU Alumni:

Alumni are granted access to the Library but must register with the Alumni Office by calling 201-692-7013 or emailing and obtain a valid Alumni Card prior to entry.  Alumni privileges include:

  • Borrowing items in the Circulating Collection
  • Use of non-circulating materials in the Library only
  • Use of technology: If computers are not needed by current students, faculty or staff, alumni will be signed on to our network on a dedicated computer as guests by Library staff.
  • Printing is not permitted but copiers and scanners are available for use (bring your own thumb drive) at cost and limited to 25 copies.
  • Access to online databases and resources on campus only (off campus access to licensed resources is strictly prohibited, and limited to current FDU students, faculty and staff ONLY)

Friends of the Library:

Visitors may purchase a “Friend of the Library” membership at the front desk, for a fee of $50 per year.  A valid current photo ID is required. Membership privileges include:

  • Borrowing items in the Circulating Collection
  • Use of non-circulating materials in the Library only
  • Use of copiers and scanners (bring your own thumb drive)
  • Printing is not permitted on campus but copiers and scanners are available for use (bring your own thumb drive) at cost and limited to 25 copies
  • Friends of the Library membership does not provide network or WIFI access. 

Visiting Scholars or Visitors Sponsored by an FDU Academic or Administrative Department:

Visitors may have access to the FDU Libraries under special circumstances and upon explanation of research need and presentation of valid government-issued photo ID with advance notice. Visitors may use circulating and non-circulating materials in the Library only.  Printing  is not permitted although printers and scanners are available for use (bring your own thumb drive) at cost and limited to 25 copies

All authorized Library users may be accompanied by a maximum of 2 guests. These guests should obtain a visitor pass at the Library reception desk and wear it visibly.  Authorized Library users are responsible for their guests and must ensure that all FDU policies are followed.  Guests of authorized Library users may use circulating and non-circulating materials in the Library only.  Printing is not permitted  but copiers and scanners are available for use (bring your own thumb drive) at cost and limited to 25 copies.

Faculty from local colleges and universities are welcome at the FDU Library with advance notice and a valid ID from their institution.  Students from local colleges and universities are encouraged to use their academic or local public library. However, an exception can be made with advance notice and not during the height of the semesters. No privileges are given except use of print collection in house or interlibrary loan from one institution to another.


Unaccompanied persons under the age of 18 are not admitted to the Library.  Children of current students, faculty and staff under the age of 14 are welcome so long as they are always accompanied by their FDU parent/guardian.  All underage visitors are not permitted to be in the Library unattended.

The Library reserves the right to end any visit to the Library for failure to comply with Library or University policies.

The Library reserves the right to limit access to visitors and alumni during peak times.




Theses and Dissertations Policy

As part of an ongoing project, the library is digitizing our collection of honors & masters theses, and doctoral dissertations. Online theses and dissertations can be found in the library's Discovery catalog or the FDU Digital Archives.

Print copies can be found in the library's Discovery catalog.

Patrons wanting access to the library's print dissertations and theses can visit the reference desk for assistance.

  • Theses and dissertations can be checked out for 2 hours at a time.
  • Materials can be used anywhere within the library, but cannot leave the library.
  • Photocopies and scans are allowed. 
  • Materials can be returned to the Circulation Desk when finished.


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  • Students must present a valid FDU ID card to check out all materials.
  • Circulating games may be checked out for a one week period of time.
  • Games on Reserve may be checked out for a 2 hour period of time.
  • Controllers are checked out for 2 hour periods of time.
  • All materials must be returned 1 hour prior to closing.
  • While we have space in the Metropolitan Campus Library for playing video games and it is acceptable to make some noise, we reserve the right to terminate game play for any reason at any time should students in the vicinity be disturbed.

Video Game Systems

We have a multitude of systems available at the Metropolitan Campus Library in the Periodicals area. The controllers can be checked out and utilized with these systems within the library. Below are the systems that are available.

  • Playstation 4
  • Wii
  • Nintendo Switch
  • Xbox One

Internet Access Policy

The Fairleigh Dickinson University Library only offers internet access to FDU students, faculty, staff and alumni or sponsored guests.

  • Alumni access is limited to specific workstations in the library. Please ask for alumni access at the reference desk. 
  • Sponsored guests should reach out to the library ahead of time to get WIFI access. 


Alumni Access

FDU Alumni with a valid alumni card have in-person access to the library and may borrow up to four books for 28 days.

Alumni can also access the library's online databases from within the library but do not have remote access.

To obtain an alumni card, please contact Alumni Affairs. Email: Telephone: 201-692-7013