The sources on this page (and beyond) are for the Latina artists final assignment. Information you will need to find includes:
Please be sure to use MLA citation style.
You can check out the books below by visiting the Metro campus library. click on the links to get the call numbers and see their availability. Some books (as noted) are at the Florham campus library). We can bring these to Metro for you. Click on the book link and then click the link to "Send to my library."
All artists are represented in this book. It is currently on reserve at the Metro campus library. Bring your student ID to the main desk and ask to use it (within the library).
(copy is at Florham) Celia Álvarez Muñoz included and more Chicana artists
Beatriz Milhazes, Maria Izquierdo, Beatriz Gonzalez
(copy is at Florham) Judith Baca
Also discusses Lygia Clark
(copy is at Florham - click request to bring to Metro)
Lygia Clark
(copy is at Florham) work of Yolanda Andrade
Tarsila do Amaral
(copy is at Florham - click request to bring to Metro) Marisol Escobar
Lygia Clark
(ebook) Marta Minujin
(copy is at Florham) Sophie Rivera
(copy is at Florham) Marcia Schvartz
Scherezade Garcia