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ARTH 1062: Latino Cultural Arts

Step 1: Background Information on Your Topic

Finding background on your information:

  • is a great first step to understand your research question more deeply

  • to understand exactly what to search for

  • can help you learn additional facts and important concepts and keywords related to your broader topic

  • can help you shape your topic to make it more specific

These sources probably will not be your final sources in your paper, but always check with your professor about what you should cite and include.

Latin American Revolutions (links to essays in Credo Reference).

Art Background Information

Search for artist names or groups, the names of revolutions, a type of art and a country (example: mural AND Nicaragua)

Historical Information About Latin America

Search for leaders of revolutions, important events leading up to the revolution or during or ending the revolutions, etc.

Step 2: Finding Books and Journal Articles

Finding Journal Articles

You will have a better frame of reference to understand these articles when you have done a little background reading and you will also have better keywords to search these databases once you've done the background work.

Keyword search example in a database:

Database: JSTOR

Search Statement: Sandinista AND mural AND revolution

Find High Quality Images

These usually include details about the artistic medium, dimensions of the art, where the art is located presently, etc.

Understand the Research Process

Citations - Why Are They Important?

When we write we are having a conversation, with those who wrote before us, and with our readers. We need to make sure to include the voices of those we learned from. That's what citations do.