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EPS 1119 / EPS 5119 and Section 51 (Htay): Credible Sources

Finding Credible Sources for Dr. Htay's Social Media Influencer Assignment

Dr. Htay requires that you conduct research to locate evidence that you can use to support your claim of how your assigned social media influencer exhibits the qualities identified in the assigned articles (below).

  • your evidence (your research) should come from credible and scholarly sources.

    • credible sources may include online interviews, videos, Instagram and Twitter.

Assigned articles:

“Opinion Leadership Vs. Para-Social Relationship: Key Factors In Influencer Marketing” by S. Farivar, F. Wang, &
Y. Yuan (2021).

“Who Are the Social Media Influencers? A Study of Public Perceptions of Personality” by K. Freberg, K. Graham,
K. McGaughey, & L. A. Freberg (2011).

Using Web Searches to Locate Credible Background Information

Experimenting with emerging technologies to broaden your own understanding can be valuable, time-saving, and can help you to connect the dots in ways that you may not have been able to do so on your own.

Google searches, Wikipedia searches, and more can be very useful for quickly locating background information and selecting helpful keywords that you can search library databases with. Please make sure to first discuss parameters laid out by your professor about what you can and cannot use in your research papers. The following examples contain surprising information and how humans are shaping information technologies, and technologies are shaping human knowledge which may make you think differently about the places you commonly visit (or avoid!) looking for quick background information.

Be aware that your own thoughts and voice are unique and exercising them frequently by critically thinking and reading is an opportunity to flex your creativity, to challenge systemic bias, and to come up with novel ideas. In the long term, not practicing critical thinking, particularly on a larger human scale may have unintended consequences. You can read dozens of news articles every day about the advancements of algorithms and generative AI and the implications this will have on just about every aspect of human society.

Critical Reading Tips to Help You Evaluate Sources for Credibility

Critical reading

Critical Reading Toolkit

Fact Checking