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Open Educational Resources: Adopt, Adapt, Create OER

Adopting OER

Adopting OER means including OER materials in your course without making significant revisions to the materials. These materials may include textbooks, chapters, eBooks, worksheets, videos, modules, slides, and more. This is a great way to get started with OER as you can use as little or as much of a resource as needed.

You can use our Finding OER page to find OER for your course.


OpenNJ is a repository of OER materials created by New Jersey universities and colleges. It hosts full courses, textbooks, slides, lectures, modules, activities, labs, lesson plans, assessments, exams, and more. Managed by Middlesex College, OpenNJ is a great place to get started with adopting OER.

Adopting OER Books

Adapting OER

Adapting (or revising, modifying, altering, customizing) OER involves making changes to existing OER materials to make the materials more relevant to your course. You might adapt an OER to add additional information, update with current events, adjust the teaching style, address the needs of your students, translate materials into another language, and more.

Creative Commons

When adapting OER, it is important to understand the resource's license. This will influence exactly how the resource can be used, revised, and shared. Often, open resources will use Creative Commons Licenses. FDU Libraries has also created a Guide to Creative Commons, which is located within our Open Access Guide.

Adapting OER Books

Creating OER

To create OER means to author a new resource using an open license. You may choose to create a course, textbook, module, worksheet, and more. While this may seem like a large undertaking, there are many resources and guides that can help guide you in creating your open resource.

Helpful Tools

Creating OER Books