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Copyright Basics Guide

Copyright Decision Tool

Copyright Decision Tool (Text)

1. Do I own the copyright to this work?

If yes, you can use the work.

If no, continue to the next question.

2. Is the work I want to use in the public domain?

If yes, you can use the work.

If no, continue to the next question.

3. Is there an exception in the law that covers my use of the work?

If yes, you may use the work as specified in the exception.

If no, continue to the next question.

4. Is there an open license, such as a Creative Commons license, applied to the work?

If yes, you may use the work as specified in the license.

If no, continue to the next question.

5. Can I find another work that uses an open license, such as a Creative Commons license?

If yes, you may use the new work as specified in the license

If no, continue to the next question.

6. Is my use of the work covered by fair use? (Unsure? Use our Fair Use Checklist!)

If yes, you may use the work as specified by fair use laws.

If no, you should seek permission from the copyright owner to use this work.

7. Did the copyright owner grant your request to use the work?

If yes, you may use the work as specified by the copyright owner.

If no, do not use! Reconsider your use of the work or use another work.

Tip: Check the copyright notice or license of a work to understand the usage rights or restrictions!


Adapted from Auburn University’s Copyright Decision Tree