This guide is based on the AMA Manual of Style: A Guide for Authors and Editors. There are many correct ways to list references or citations; this guide will provide a standardized format to use throughout the program.
General Guidelines:
- List references as superscripts at the end of sentences or phrases. Example.1,3-5,8
- List author names with the author’s last name followed by initials, no periods. Example: Sheehan AH, Killion VJ.
- Retain the spelling, abbreviations, and style for numbers used in the original article title, book title, parts of book, or other material.
- For journal article titles and chapter titles in books, capitalize only the first letter of the first word in a title and subtitle.
- For journal titles and book titles, capitalize all main words.
- Inclusive page numbers (i.e., 1404-1412 would be referenced as 1404-12; 1395-1406 would be referenced as 1395-406.)
- Do not use quotation marks.
- Reference the most specific part when possible (i.e., cite the monograph within the online database, not the entire database or cite the chapter within book.)
**This guide is derived from guide provided by Purdue University Libraries.**