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CHEM 2263: Finding Full Text Articles

What is Full Text? Where can I access it?

What is full text?

Full text simply means the full body of the research article you are trying to locate. Many databases, including SciFinder-n, include some full text access but this means that not every article will be accessible by clicking the "Full Text" button beneath a reference. 

When you have found a reference you want, you can go ahead and click on the Full Text drop down box and select "DOI." The DOI link will direct you to a page for that article. It may or may not have full text there. If it does not show up you can always click on "Check Journal Locator for Full Text Access." This is a special link that will connect you with our FDU databases and should locate the article you want for you.

What do I do if there is no full text access to the reference I want?

Use the library catalog, called the Discovery Catalog, to search for the article by title. Putting the title in quotation marks may improve the accuracy of your search results. If it is a long title you may want to search only the first part of the title and one author last name, like this:

"condensations by sodium instead of by the Grignard reaction" AND morton

Discovery Catalog

Books and eBooks are found in FDU Libraries' Discovery Catalog. Unsure how to use the Discover Catalog? Visit our Discovery Catalog User's Guide to learn how to search the Catalog for a book, eBook, print journal, periodicals such as newspapers and magazines, DVDs, and more! 

Finding Articles Not in Discovery Catalog

Even if you cannot locate the full text of your article in Discovery, you will still be given an option to "Request Interlibrary Loan." This means you will receive the article as a PDF after we ask another library for it. Visit the link below to learn more about how to do this.