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Mendeley Citation Manager Version 2.1 or Later Guide: Inserting Citations In to Word

Importing Citations in to Word

Mendeley allows you to import citations and bibliographic information directly in to your Word document. (See installing the Word Cite). 

The Mendeley cite add-in will appear in the Insert tab of the Word ribbon. From here you will need to click on My Add-ins, then select Mendeley. It will open a window to the right of your Word document. If you have your Mendeley desktop app open it will automatically connect to it. If not you will be asked to sign in to your Mendeley account. 

Word ribbon

Before you begin adding citations you will want to select a citation style from the Mendeley sidebar. If your style does not appear in the existing list, click the "Select Another Style" link at the bottom of the sidebar and search for your style type.  

select citation tab


To add a citation to your document first click your mouse in your document where you would like the citation to appear. Then from the Mendeley sidebar select the Reference tab. Search for the reference you would like to use using the search box. Click on the checkbox of the reference you would like to use from the results list. Then click Insert Citation at the bottom of the bar. 

mendeley reference tab


example citation

Example of an APA Citation.


Creating Your Bibliography

Creating a bibliography in Mendeley is easy. Once you've inserted a citation in to your paper Mendeley will keep a running tally of the resources you've used. You can insert the bibliography at any time. If you add more citations Mendeley will automatically update your bibliography. To insert the bibliography click on your Word document where you would like it to appear then click the More tab then the Insert Bibliography.

bibliography tab