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WRIT 1002: Prof. Harris


The purpose of this guide is to help students in Prof. Harris's WRIT 1002 develop research skills needed for their research essay assignment. This guide is broken down into two pages: Suggested Databases and More! and Citation Resources.

Your FDU librarians are happy to help you continue your research if you need any assistance after our class! Get help from FDU Librarians

My email: Brooke Duffy

Background Information

Locating background information is an important first step for developing your keywords and search statements.

You can search these databases and their contents to

  • find overview articles on your topic
  • browse topics if you're still trying to come up with or hone your topic
  • refine your research topic
  • and come up with keywords you will use to search databases for more articles 

Advanced Searching Techniques

Use this page to learn about how to turn keywords into better searches!

Search Techniques Tutorial


You can use these databases to search topics related to Paying for higher education and other topics related to education and 18-28 year olds.

You can use these databases to search topics related to:

  • Self-harm
  • Eating disorders
  • Bullying / Cyberbullying
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Alcoholism
  • Homophobia
  • Suicide
  • and other psychology / mental health topics related to education and 18-28 year olds.

You can use these databases to search topics related to:

  • Employment
  • Paying for higher education
  • Bullying / Cyberbullying
  • and other topics related to social issues and 18-28 year olds.

You can use these databases to search topics related to:

  • Employment
  • Paying for higher education 
  • and other topics related to business or the economy and 18-28 year olds.

You can use these databases to search topics related to:

  • Mental health
  • Alcoholism
  • and other topics related to health issues and 18-28 year olds.

You can always use the Discovery Catalog (the main search box on the library homepage) or a general database or search engine if you're uncertain on where to begin!

Off Campus Access

Remote (off campus) access to the FDU databases is available only to FDU students, faculty, and staff.

To access a database from off campus, select it from the library's A-Z Databases List. You will be prompted for your FDU NET ID and password. Upon verification you will be given access to the database. 


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