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Florham Arboretum at Fairleigh Dickinson University: Home

About the Florham Arboretum

Florham Arboretum at Fairleigh Dickinson University is situated on the Fairleigh Dickinson University campus in Madison, NJ. It is the former Florham estate of Florence Vanderbilt Twombly and Hamilton McKown Twombly. Developed in the 1890’s, some notable landscape architects who had a role in its landscape were: Frederick Law Olmsted, the Olmsted brothers, Warren H. Manning, and Brinley and Holbrook. Management of the estate’s landscape and greenhouses was under the direction of Arthur Herrington, noted horticulturalist and plant breeder, who came to Florham from Kew Gardens, England.

The Florham Arboretum will provide educational opportunities for students, faculty, staff, and public focusing on preservation of culturally significant landscape elements, sustainability and the environmental impact of the campus, as well as providing a living laboratory for research. It will also serve to promote the campus’ historic and cultural value to the public.

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Tag # Common Name Scientific Name
1 Nordmann Fir Abies nordmanniana
2 Linden, tomentos Tilia tomentosa
3 Linden, weeping tomentos Tilia tomentosa 'Petiolaris'
4 Oak, Pin Quercus palustris
5 Hemlock, Eastern Tsuga canadensis
6 Linden, tomentos Tilia tomentosa
7 Maple, Norway Acer platanoides
8 Dr. Kassab Holly Ilex  'Dr. Kassab'
9 Cedar, Atlas Cedrus atlantica
10 Cedar, Atlas Cedrus atlantica
11 Spruce, serbian Picea omorika
12 Tree, Japanese pagoda Sophora japonica
13 Cherry, Higan Prunus subhirtella
14 Oak, Shingle Quercus imbricaria
15 Sweetgum Liquidambar styraciflua
16 Ash, White Fraxinus americana
17 Hawthorn, Cockspur Crataegus crus-galli
18 Redwood, Dawn Metasequoia glyptostroboides
19 Maple, Japanese Acer palmatum
20 Maple, Japanese Acer palmatum
21 Maple, Japanese Acer palmatum
22 Ginkgo, Female Ginkgo biloba
23 Pine, Eastern white Pinus strobus
24 Pine, Eastern white Pinus strobus
25 Pine, Eastern white Pinus strobus
26 Zelkova, Japanese Zelkova serrata
27 Spruce, Norway Picea abies
28 Spruce, Norway Picea abies
29 Maple, Sugar Acer saccharum
30 Spruce, Norway Picea abies
31 Spruce, Norway Picea abies
32 Spruce, Norway Picea abies
33 Cedar, Atlas Cedrus atlantica
34 Cedar, Atlas Cedrus atlantica
35 Spruce, oriental Picea orientalis
36 Walnut, Black Juglans nigra
37 Oak, Northern red Quercus rubra
39 Oak, Pin Quercus palustris
38 Oak, Pin Quercus palustris
41 Oak, Northern red Quercus rubra
40 Oak, Northern red Quercus rubra
42 Oak, Northern red Quercus rubra
43 Oak, Northern red Quercus rubra
44 Pine, Eastern white Pinus strobus
45 Pine, Eastern white Pinus strobus
46 Pine, Eastern white Pinus strobus
47 Pine, Eastern white Pinus strobus
48 Pine, Eastern white Pinus strobus
49 Walnut, Black Juglans nigra
50 Oak, Shingle Quercus imbricaria
51 Oak, Black Quercus velutina
52 Oak, Overcup Quercus lyrata
53 Oak, White Quercus alba
54 Oak, Black Quercus velutina
55 Oak, Black Quercus velutina