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Searching Multiple EBSCO Databases Guide: Home

EBSCO Databases

EBSCO allows you to search the following databases simultaneously.

  • Academic Search Premier
  • Business Source Premier
  • CINHAL Plus with Full Text
  • Communication & Mass Media Complete
  • Criminal Justice Abstracts with Full Text
  • ERIC
  • GreenFILE
  • Hospitality and Tourism Complete
  • Humanities International Complete
  • Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts 
  • Literary Reference Center
  • MasterFILE Elite
  • MEDLINE with Full Text
  • Newspaper Source Plus
  • PsycINFO
  • Regional Business News
  • SocINDEX with Full Text
  • SPORTDiscus with Full Text

Off Campus Access

Remote (off campus) access to the FDU databases is available only to FDU students, faculty, and staff.

To access a database from off campus, select it from the library's A-Z Databases List. You will be prompted for your FDU NET ID and password. Upon verification you will be given access to the database. 


FDU Single Sign On


Simultaneous Searching

EBSCO allows you to search one or more of their databases in one search, allowing you to pick and choose which database to search. While you have the option to search all their databases at once it is not advised to do so since it will probably return too many results and they won't necessarily be focused on your topic. 

When choosing more than one database it is best to select databases that are most likely to focus on your topic. For instance if you were researching the effects of stress in the work place you want to select databases focusing on that topic, such as Business Source Premier for the business specific research, and probably PsycINFO and PsycARTICLES for the psychological aspect. 

Running a Simultaneous Search 

From the library's homepage click the FDU Online Library: A-Z link.

Select Academic Search Premier.

Above the search box click the searching: Academic Search Premier link.

A new window will pop up with a list of all the EBSCO databases the library subscribes to. Click the checkbox next to a database to include it in your search. Once you have selected your databases click SELECT.

Now when you run your search you will be searching multiple databases at one time.