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LITS 2400: Children's Literature : Censorship

Get Involved

Stay informed. If you hear of a challenge at your local library, support your librarian and free and open access to library materials by contacting the Office for Intellectual Freedom (OIF). OIF estimates it learns of only 3-18% of book challenges. Find out your library's policy for reviewing challenged materials. Stay updated about intellectual freedom by signing up for the free Intellectual Freedom News newsletter, or reading the Journal for Intellectual Freedom and Privacy.

Write a letter to a favorite banned or challenged author. Take some time to thank a banned or challenged author for their words. Author addresses and Twitter handles can be found on the Dear Banned Author page

Submit content that address censorship and banned books to the Intellectual Freedom Blog. Posts can be news items, reviews and listicals.

Brush up on banned book history. The latest edition of Banned Books: Defending Our Freedom to Read contains an annotated list of challenged and banned books, as well as the history of literary censorship.

Speak out. Announce the importance of unrestricted reading on your local public radio station with a PSA script. Write letters to the editor, your public library director and your school principal supporting the freedom to read. Talk to your friends about why everyone should be allowed to choose for themselves and their families what they read.

Exercise your reading rights. Check out a banned book. Encourage your book club to discuss rebellious reads.

Join the Freedom to Read Foundation. It's dedicated to the legal and financial defense of intellectual freedom, especially in libraries.

Online Resources

Banned Books Week