To search APA PsycARTICLES and APA PsycINFO simultaneously go to the Library's homepage and select the FDU Online Library link. From there select the Psychology, Counseling & Behavioral Sciences link under databases by subject. Select the link for APA PsycARTICLES. Above the search box select the Searching: APA PsycArticles link.
A new window will pop up with a list of all the EBSCO databases the library subscribes to. Click the checkbox for APA PsycINFO to include it in your search. Once you have selected the database click Select.
Now when you perform your search you will be searching both APA PsycARTICLES and APA PsycINFO at the same time.
Suppose your professor has given you an assignment to find an article discussing the effects of violence in the media on children. Your first step is to determine your KEY TERMS. In this case they you could start with VIOLENCE, MEDIA, and CHILDREN.
If you perform a search for VIOLENCE you would retrieve over 143,000 results as seen below. This is more than you could reasonably evaluate and chances are most of the results will not be on your topic.
Use AND to narrow your results. This time search VIOLENCE AND MEDIA AND CHILDREN. Notice your results have dropped to about 1,600 and they will be more focused on your topic. You could further narrow your results by adding more KEY TERMS such as TELEVISION or VIDEO GAMES if you wanted to be more specific.
Now let’s refine our results even further. Below the search bar find the FILTER options. From here you can limit your results to ONLINE FULL TEXT results, PEER REVIEWED results, or view results published in a particular time period.
**Limiting your results to ONLINE FULL TEXT will eliminate results from APA PsycINFO.**
You can limit your results to a certain time period. In this case we will limit our results to the last five years.
You are now down to 79 results which are focused on your topic published in the last 5 years and with full text available.
Using these FILTER options you were able to reduce the number of results from 1,637 to 79.