Interlibrary Loans
The FDU Library Interlibrary Loan service allows you to borrow books and articles from other libraries. Most loans are free of charge. If there is a charge associated with the loan, the FDU Library will contact you to determine how you would like to proceed. The library also does not request textbooks through ILL.
There are two options for requesting ILLs. You can use the manual request form below or find your item in the Discovery Catalog and use the Request Interlibrary Loan button.
Manual Request Form
How to submit an Interlibrary Loan from the Discovery Catalog (ILL)
- From the FDU Library’s homepage, click on Search Discovery Catalog. Within the catalog, click on Sign In in the upper right corner of the page to sign in to your FDU Library account using your FDU NET ID username and password.
- Select "Advanced Search" on the right side of the page and enter the item information. Searching by the item by title is usually sufficient, just remember to put it in quotations. Make sure to scroll down and select "Libraries Worldwide" before clicking Search.
- If the library has access to the item please use our copy and do not request an ILL.
- If the item is found in libraries worldwide and is not available from the FDU Library, click on the title of the relevant search result. To the right of the record click on Request Interlibrary Loan.
- **If the Request Interlibrary Loan option does not appear, you will need to manually fill out an interlibrary loan form. The forms can be found in the Library Links at the top of the page. There is a separate form for books and articles.
- You will be presented with an ILL form which should automatically populate with the item’s information.
- - If you are requesting a book make sure to select the correct pickup location.
If the item you are looking for does not show up when searching the catalog, you can use the manual ILL Form found in the resources tab of the Discovery Catalog.