Mendeley allows you to import citations and bibliographic information directly in to your Word document. (See installing the Word plug in).
Depending on whether you're working on a Mac or Windows computer the location and look of the Mendeley plugin will be slightly different, though the functionality is the same.
For Windows users the plugin will appear in the References tab of MS Word.
For Mac users the plugin will appear in the Add-ins tab of MS Word.
Before you begin adding citations you will want to select a citation style. If your style does not appear in the existing list, click the "More Styles" link at the end of the list. Mac users click the "Choose Citation Style" link in the Add-ins toolbar.
Here you can search for your preferred style to add it to your style list.
To add a citation to your document first make sure you've selected your chosen citation format, then click the Insert Citation button. This is will bring up a search box which will allow you to search your existing citations.
The search function allows you to search any part of the citation, i.e. author, title, journal, etc...
Click on the result you would like to cite and the properly formatted citation will be added to your paper.
Example of an APA Citation.
Creating a bibliography in Mendeley is easy. Once you've inserted a citation in to your paper Mendeley will keep a running tally of the resources you've used. You can insert the bibliography at any time. If you add more citations Mendeley will automatically update your bibliography. To insert the bibliography simply click the Insert Bibliography button in the plugin menu.